Sign Up for EMSAcare

Step 1: Are you already an EMSAcare member?

If you are already enrolled for EMSAcare through your monthly water bill, you do not need to apply directly for EMSAcare.

Please compare your water bill with the examples below to check if you’re already an EMSAcare member:

City of Tulsa
Example Water Bill

City of Oklahoma City
Example Water Bill

If you see “EMSAcare” or “EMSA” on your water bill, then all permanent residents of your household automatically receive benefits. There is no need to purchase a separate EMSAcare membership from EMSA.

If you have any unanswered questions or would like to confirm the enrollment status of your household, please call the EMSAcare hotline at (918) 396-2888 or (405) 396-2888.

Step 2: Are you eligible to join EMSAcare?

If you are not enrolled in EMSAcare through your city utility account, you can enroll in the program directly with EMSA.

The following cities are eligible for EMSAcare:

Eastern Division Cities
Annual membership fee: $65

Western Division Cities
Annual membership fee: $45

Oklahoma City
The Village
Nichols Hills
Valley Brook
Lake Aluma

We accept EMSAcare enrollment year round. Membership covers all permanent residents of your household from the date you sign up to the next renewal period. Eastern Division renewal period is August 1 – August 31. Western Division renewal period is September 1 – September 30.

Step 3: Complete the EMSAcare Application

Ready to enroll? Simply review the membership agreement, complete the application below, and make your payment – protection for you and your family, all in a matter of minutes.

Have a Question?

Call the EMSAcare hotline at (918) 396-2888 or (405) 396-2888 if you would like to join EMSAcare but your city is not listed above, or if you would like additional information about the program.